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Come see the THEMES selected by our August Artists!


Join us at the Table Rock Art Gallery on

Friday August 4, from 3 pm. to 6 p.m. for wine and cheese and to meet and greet this month's featured artists:

Helen Long and Patricia Hovis-French.

These two women both grew up in the Kansas City area in the mid-1950s. Helen graduated from North Kansas City High School and Patricia from Southeast High School. Their lives then took quite different paths but brought them both to the Ozarks, 50 plus years later!

After graduation, Helen worked at Hallmark Cards as an artist and designer for 4 years, then married and traveled, living in Maine and California, visiting Guatemala and the Southwestern U.S. The art she is displaying in this exhibit represents her reflections of the many types of women found in the Americas.

Unlike Helen, Patricia bloomed where she was planted and never lived more than 10 miles from the Kansas City house she grew up in until she re-married and moved to Kimberling City in 2004. Her art on display in this exhibit reflects her obsession with trying to draw or paint a tree of which her high school art teacher, Martha Abbott, would have approved!

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