![Table Rock Art Guild and Gallery Logo](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/cc4153_fd94ba36e3ba45058c465e3369368000~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_581,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/TRAG%20guild%20%26%20galllery%20.jpg)
Local Artisans in the Branson, Missouri area
Gallery Information
Gallery Sitting Tips
When you write up a sale, be sure to put both the artist's numbers and names on the sales ticket so they will get proper credit for the sale.
Please write your own name on the bottom of the sales ticket so the Treasurer can contact you if there are questions and check whether the sale is Cash/Check or Credit.
Put white and yellow sales slip in office folder at the end of your shift.
PINK copy goes to customer.
There is a list of daily "duties" for gallery sitters posted on the desk. Check to see what the "duty" is for your day.
1) Be sure to call the next person on the list to remind them when they are sitting
the Gallery
2) If you find you cannot sit on the day you signed up for, it is your responsibility to
get a substitute!
3) If you have any questions, call the Gallery Directors Gayle Page or Diane Robben.
Instructions for First Saturday Meet & Greet
Hours are 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Designated artist(s) are responsible for advertising the event and any self-promoting marketing.
The artist(s) will supply the food and beverages for consumption at their event.
The Gallery will supply plates and napkins.
The artist(s) are responsible for clean-up which is to include removing the trash, vacuuming, replaces tables and easels back to the storage room and cleaning Gallery tablecloths if used.
Artist(s) should make the Gallery as clean as possible for the next day of business.
Gallery Information
The Gallery committee shall consist of the Director, Co-Director, Library Attendant, Poster and Sign Producer, and Bookkeeper.
Gallery policy decisions will be made by the Gallery Director and the Table Rock Art Guild Board. Anything controversial will be presented to the membership for approval.
Care will be given to all works of art displayed; however, the Guild will not be held liable for any loss or damage to items displayed.
All paintings, prints, photos, (anything that is to be hung) must have wire attached to the back in a taut manner. Instructions for attaching wire: No Sawtooth Hangers or other nailed in hangers allowed as these hangers often fail and artwork is damaged.
Should artwork of an unusual nature be offered for display at the Gallery, i.e., artwork that is not classified in a specific category as stated in the Standing Rules, the final decision shall be made by the Table Rock Art Guild Board of Directors.
Only the Gallery Director may add extra display stations to the Gallery main floor and outside hallway.
All Gallery members must be courteous and professional to both the public and other Gallery members, especially with Guild connected business.
If a member is participating in a Guild Sponsored Venue like the Annual Festival of Arts Show or Art on Display or our gallery itself, the Kiosk and hallway of the mall, they are required to pay a 23% commission to the Guild. This includes all Guild members participating in a sale or event sponsored by the Guild, they are required to pay a 23% commission to the Guild.
Business Accountability
· There are two large receipt books. One book is labeled Panel Donations, and the other is labeled Membership Dues. These receipt books are located in a plastic file holder at the main desk. When filling out receipts, the white copy goes to the member making the payment, the yellow copy goes in the daily record along with the payment of cash or check, and the pink copy stays in the receipt book. Make sure these panel donations are documented with the number of months paid and number of panels this is for and check with the Gallery Treasurer for verification of months paid.
· Make sure the cash drawer has $100.00 in it at the beginning of your shift and also at the end.
· Fill out a sales slip for each sale recording the artist’s number and name, the description of the item sold, and the price. Mark if it was a cash, check, or credit card sale. If it is a credit card sale, the Square will automatically figure the tax. For cash and check sales, use the adding machine to get the correct tax on the sale (the square machine may also be used to figure the sales tax). Give the customer the pink copy. Place the white and yellow copies in the plastic daily report pouch. Create a Daily Report with each sale listed and at the end of the day place the Daily Report and receipt copies and money collected in the plastic daily report pouch (black bag). Record the ticket number and amount sold on the Daily Report. If there are no sales for the day, fill out a Daily Report indicating “No Sales.” The amount of money taken from the drawer is recorded on the Daily Report and placed in the plastic receipt bag. That should leave the drawer balance at the original $100.00. Also make sure all large bills have been replaced by small ones for the next day sitter.
· Use the Square for credit card sales. If you are not trained to use it, make an appointment with the Gallery Director or Co-Director to obtain training.
Gallery Social Functions
First Saturday Meet and Greet:
Hours Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and designated artists are responsible for advertising the event and any self-promoting marketing. The artists will supply any food and beverage for consumption at their event. The Gallery will supply plates and napkins. The artists are responsible for clean up to include removing all trash, vacuuming, replacing tables and easels back to storage, and cleaning Gallery tablecloths if used. Artists should make the Gallery as clean as possible for the next day of business.
Gallery Open House and Maida Fannin Scholarship:
Guild membership will donate any food and beverages to be consumed at the events. The Gallery will supply plates and napkins. Set up and clean-up will be done by members and Gallery staff.
Children’s Art Show:
Gallery members must have their artwork down by the Tuesday before the Show and may rehang on the Monday after the show. The reception is 9:00 -3:00 on the Saturday of the show with refreshments and craft activities.
Copy Stand and Camera:
The Guild purchased the camera and copy stand for the benefit of Guild members. Commercial use for personal financial gain is not allowed. The Gallery photographers have been trained so there are several members who can assist if there are questions. The purchase of an SD card and card reader is at the individual member’s expense. Each use of the copy stand incurs a $5.00 user fee that will be given to the Gallery in the form of a donation. (This is per use, NOT per image.) Training for the Copy Stand and Camera will be provided as needed. A receipt book and cash box are provided.
2024 Gallery Eligibility, Guidelines, and Requirements for Displaying
· Must be a member in good standing of the Table Rock Art Guild to be eligible for a display panel in the Gallery and attend a minimum of three Guild meetings per year, or at the discretion of the Gallery Director. If the Artist’s work has not previously been shown, an arrangement will be made with the Gallery Director to assess the nature of the new “fine art” to be displayed.
· Be eighteen years of age or older.
· Be trained in advance on the operations of the Gallery by the Gallery Director, Co-Director or individual chosen by the Director or Co-Director.
· The Gallery will receive 23% commission on all art sold within the Gallery.
· All items on display must be for sale, except by special permission of the Gallery Director.
· No work will be accepted if a commercial pattern in any form is used. Only the artist’s own patterns may be used. (See “Definition of Original Artwork”)
· Fill out and sign the annual consignment agreement which is the Annual Gallery Contract and agreement yearly. This sheet is kept in the Inventory Book in the Gallery office in front of your inventory sheets and left for our records.
· You MUST fill out an Inventory Sheet of your items displayed and file it in the office in the Inventory Book behind your Annual Gallery Contract. When you withdraw your art, you must indicate the date in the Inventory Book to show the art has been removed. This sheet is left in the Inventory Book.
· No additional display items may be brought into the Gallery for display of your work unless attached to your panel and they must be appropriate in size, or they will be removed. This includes tables, easels, baskets, etc. Display fixtures must be black or clear and be consistent with the décor of the Gallery.
· In order to retain the privilege of displaying in the Gallery, a member is required to tend the Gallery at least one full day per time frame for every panel assigned to the member. If you are unable to work your shift due to illness or other legitimate circumstance, it is your responsibility to find a substitute sitter. You can call another member and trade dates or, as a last resort, call the Gallery Directors to see if they can sit the Gallery. Indicate all changes on the scheduling calendar. In an emergency and with the permission of the Gallery Director or Co-Director, you may split the day into a 10:00 to 1:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 shift but you are responsible for retaining another Gallery member for the remaining half shift. THEN you may display your work in the Gallery on your designated panel and/or in your designated area.
· If a member misses (no show, no call) sitting in the Gallery two days in six months without providing a replacement and /or express permission of the Gallery Directors, the privilege of displaying in the Gallery will be revoked.
· The artist can change selling prices if new identification cards are made. No strikeouts or words like “reduced” or “sale” are permitted. No sale prices less than $4.00 and no combination purchase such as 2 for $X unless the original sale is to buy the two items as a set with one price tag.
· Requirements of art explained in this Yearbook MUST be followed. Only original artwork is accepted. Permission to display questionable subject matter will be decided, if necessary, by the Gallery Director and/or the Table Rock Art Guild Board of Directors. Remember our audience includes children.
· No two-dimensional art shall be exhibited without proper framing, free of damage, and in a sellable condition. Artwork may be shown without a frame providing that it is a complete canvas wrap, finished edges, or the work is bagged in clear plastic, so it doesn’t get damaged. Your art will be removed and placed in the office if it is damaged or unfinished. You will be notified of the problem and asked to pick up and repair your work to make it presentable for displaying.
· You may not remove all artwork from display except for the Festival of Arts Show, the Children’s Show, or with permission from the Gallery Directors. You may not give up a panel and remove all artwork without 30 days’ notice or special permission from the Gallery Director. The penalty for doing so will be a one-year suspension of your gallery privileges. Members must be respectful of others artwork and may not move or remove other’s work from the gallery floor without Director’s permission,
· In March 2016, members voted to stay with a three-month panel rotation.
· A donation of $15.00 monthly per display area is required.
· Each new Gallery member will receive Gallery Rules, an Inventory sheet, and an Annual Consignment Contract that must be signed and remain on file during the year of Gallery participation.
· Failure to comply with these rules will result in having your work removed from the Gallery and the next artist on the waiting list will take your place. Your name will be added to the end of the waiting list.
· The Gallery Director, with agreement from Table Rock Art Guild Board, has the authority to remove Gallery participation privileges when the above rules have been breached.
Definition of Original Artwork
Original artwork is defined as the total concept or idea of the artist. It should not look like, nor be recognizable, as another artist’s work. Any idea that is developed from another artist’s artwork should contain no more than 20% of the original source with credit given to the original artist. To copy from photos taken by others or pictures in newspapers, magazines and books, or another artist’s painting is considered plagiarism. If an artist decides to copy any artwork as a practice session, the artwork should be noted “copy” and not used in competition or displayed for sale.
As of May 18, 2022
1. Each Artist must be a “member” (18 years of age or older) in good standing of the Table Rock Art Guild to be eligible for a display panel/space in the Gallery. Each artist, new member or current member needs to be a Guild member for two months and attend a minimum of two Guild meetings within the past 12 months and maintain at least two meetings per year before becoming a part of this Fine Arts Gallery. Each artist will be trained in advance by the Gallery Director or a Training Specialist to tend/sit the Gallery. Artists wanting to display in the Gallery for the first time must arrange with the Gallery Director to have their “fine art” juried in by the Board of Directors before being given a panel/space as their name is added to a wait list. Gallery Member meetings will be held as needed, with recommendations for each displaying artists attending.
2. The Table Rock Art Gallery will receive a 23% Commission of all sales. All artwork is required to be for sale, except for “Artist of the Month”. No work will be accepted if a commercial pattern in any form is used. Only the artist’s own design may be used. (See “Definition of Original Artwork” in the Yearbook) The artist may change prices on any displayed item only if a new identification tag is made. No strikeouts or words like “reduced” or “sale” are permitted. The minimum cost for an individual’s artwork, including cards or packet of cards, shall be no less than $4.00. No combination purchase, such as reducing the price if the combination is purchased or 2/for $___, unless the original purchase is to buy the two items as a set, with one price tag, Cards, Framed Artwork, and Jewelry included.
3. Each artist is required to fill out and sign an annual “TRAG Consignment Contract”. Each displaying artist will receive a copy of the Contract, Gallery Rules, and Inventory Sheet. The Panel/Space donation must be paid each month. It is recommended that each displaying artist keep their own inventory list of displayed artworks.
4. To retain the privilege of displaying in the Gallery, a member is required to tend/sit the Gallery at least one full day per scheduling cycle for each panel/space assigned to the member (10am through 4pm, Monday – Friday, 9am-3pm Saturday). It is the responsibility of the tending/sitting artist to find the gallery substitute if they cannot tend/sit the gallery on their scheduled day. You may call and trade dates with another member. It is important to indicate all changes on the scheduling calendar. Let the director know! In an emergency, you may split your day into two half-days (a10am-1pm or a 1pm-4pm shift) but you are responsible to get someone to tend/sit the other half of the day. If unable to tend/sit your day due to illness or other legitimate/special circumstances, you still need to find a substitute sitter. Please notify the Gallery Director of the special absence. Notify the Gallery Director to help resolve difficult substitute solutions.
5. If an artist member misses sitting the Gallery two days, within six months, the privilege to display in the gallery will be revoked for a year. This is the reason for writing your name in the daily log.
6. If an artist completely removes the displayed art from the Gallery without 30 days’ notice or permission from the Gallery Director, privileges will be revoked for one year.
7. No two-dimensional art shall be displayed without proper framing (free of damage, and in saleable condition). Art may be displayed without a frame provided it is a complete canvas wrap with finished edges, and all staples are hidden on the reverse side. Each piece displayed should have a seller’s tag on the front and back with the member’s guild number listed along with the price. Hanging art displays need to have an attached wire (no sawtooth hangers) on the back. Cards and matted prints must be in clear cellophane packets and displayed on the artist’s panel. Any damaged or unfinished art will be removed and placed in the Guild office. You will be notified of the problem and asked to pick up and/or repair the art for resale. No additional display items can be introduced on or attached to the panel/space unless approved by the Gallery Director.
8. In March 2016, gallery members voted to rotate panel/space on a regular schedule. A work schedule will be made planning for displaying artists to assist with each rotation move. Care will be given to all works of Art displayed. Persons involved with the rotation, the Guild or Members will not be held liable for any loss or damage to displayed items. If the Artist desires to personally rotate their art, it MUST coincide with the rotation day scheduled. The rotation has a process, an order or there is CHAOS!
9. Failure to comply with the Gallery Rules will result in having your work removed from the Gallery and the next artist on the waiting list will take your place. Your name will be added at the end of the waiting list. Our Gallery is only available for Guild/Gallery business. No other drop off/meetings or business happens here. NO donations of art or art supplies are to be accepted and left in the Gallery. Know that this is a Guild Gallery and that all sales opportunities that happen here are because of the Guild based Gallery and ALL sales have to be processed through the Gallery with taxes and 23% commission.