As we start a new year, a new look for our websites seemed appropriate! Why?? The original website for The Table Rock Art Guild was not accessible from smart phones or IPads. The website created for the Gallery last summer was, but it did not have the capability of posting pdf files (like the monthly newsletters, yearbooks, etc.) for Guild members. Consequently, information had to be posted on both websites and sometimes one or the other of the sites got missed (as webmaster for both sites, I offer my humble apologies). Also, the Guild had to pay for two sites containing basically the same information. Because the Table Rock Art Gallery site can now post pdf and other document files for members, the website address for the Table Rock Art Guild has now been linked to the Table Rock Art Gallery URL. Whichever URL you enter -- www.tablerockartgallery.com or www.tablerockartguild.com -- this is the site you will reach! If you haven't checked it out yet, you will notice there is a new MENU tab called "Contact." There is actually a MAP on that page that is interactive and you can zoom in,via satellite, and see the back of the Blue Horse in front of the Gallery if you want! If you see errors in the website or there are things you would like to see added, please let me know via the Contact form!
Happy New Year!
PS Don't forget that TRAG's first meeting of the New Year is Monday, January 16. Hope to see you there. PHF